Wednesday, September 24, 2014

His Love - Hillsong

Title: His Love
Album: God He Reign
Artist/Band: Hillsong

***Requested by Angel @ Ruahn21***
Verse:Emaj7/G#    Your light is over me    Flooding over me,Amaj7    the night is liftedEmaj7/G#    Heaven over me    Flooding over me,Amaj7    I can't contain itRefrain:F#m             G#m     A              G#m     My cup overflows,      my cup overflowsChorus:           E         F#m    G#mPraise the Lord with all my heartA      B       E      F#m        G#mPraise Him for He has done great things
A B C#m B A
His banner over me is love, His love
B C#m B A
His banner over me is love, His love

Emaj7/G# A
Emaj7/G# A

Emaj7/G# Amaj7
You brought the sunshine in
Turned the dark to day
You made the shadows flee away

Emaj7/G# Amaj7
You opened up my eyes
To a new and living way
The dawning of a brand new day