Friday, March 11, 2016

Nidji – Laskar Pelangi (Lyrics and Translation)

Laskar Pelangi
Rainbow Troops

Mimpi adalah kunci
Dream is the key
Untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
For us to conquer the world
Berlarilah tanpa lelah
Keep running tirelessly
Sampai engkau meraihnya
Until you reach it

Laskar pelangi
Rainbow troops
Takkan terikat waktu
Won't be bound by time
Bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
Free your dream to the sky
Warnai bintang di jiwa
Color the star in soul

Menarilah dan terus tertawa
Dance and keep laughing
Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Though the world is not as beautiful as heaven
Bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
Thank God
Cinta kita di dunia
Our love in the world

Cinta kepada hidup
Love toward life
Memberikan senyuman abadi
Gives eternal smile
Walau hidup kadang tak adil
Though the life is seldom unfair
Tapi cinta lengkapi kita
But love completes us

Laskar pelangi
Rainbow troops
Takkan terikat waktu
Won't be bound by time
Jangan berhenti mewarnai
Never stop coloring
Jutaan mimpi di bumi
Millions of dreams on earth

Dance and keep laughing
Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Though the world is not as beautiful as heaven
Bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
Thank God
Cinta kita di dunia
Our love in the world

Dance and keep laughing
Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Though the world is not as beautiful as heaven
Bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
Thank God
Cinta kita di dunia
Our love in the world



Laskar pelangi
Rainbow troops
Takkan terikat waktu
Won't be bound by time